
passion: why we do it...

“The power of community: Bruce’s story is about a young man who hung out alone each day at a local coffee shop / artist hangout. The coffee shop owner in a joking manner said Bruce should get a life. He offered him art supplies to try. One day Bruce brought in a video camera he received for a gift and told the coffee shop owner about a story he’d written. The coffee owner offered to help Bruce film his story. What was to be a one day project turned into a year. They sold tickets for the community to view the film—so many the line went out the door. When a local businessman saw the interest the community had in this film, he started an annual Film Festival. The relationship Bruce has with the coffee shop owner blossomed into the creation of the Fallout Creative Community (a gathering place for people of all creative levels). These are the connections that our agency hopes and works to build with people who have disabilities — this relationship just happened on its own and it goes to show what great things can happen in our lives and communities when we seek to include all kinds of people into our lives.”

“I have been with the agency a long time. I can’t go anywhere without running in to someone who recognizes me that wants to stop and chat. I have spent some of my off time with some individuals served as well. I always say the beauty of this is that my children have grown up with some of the people and have no idea that anyone is different from anyone else. In fact, my oldest son wanted to learn sign language to better communicate with one of the people I support, which he carried over to communicating with another child at his school. I would also like to share that the people I have supported over the years have taught me just as much as I have taught them.“

“Working with a gentleman for 15 years and when he was really ill, or when we needed consent would be the only time we would see the family. Over the last 3 years we have started to build more of a connection with the family and now we see them more. This person has also now attended a family reunion, increased his family contacts by many, and has been invited to one of the family members’ homes. During this, we learned that the siblings did not see him through out their childhood, so even though they knew about him, they did not know him, but now they get that chance. It gives me tears in my eyes and goose bumps all at the same time! What an awesome thing to be a part of!“